Since 12 May 2002, the members of the board of directors of Tianyun International Holdings Limited (the "board") are as follows:
Mr. Yang Ziyuan (Chairman, executive director and chief executive officer)
Mr. Yang Yunyao (Vice Chairman and Executive Director)
Mr. Sun Xingyu (Executive Director)
Ms. Lv Chunxia (Executive Director)
Ms. Chu Yinghong (non-executive director)Mr. Huang Yanbin (Non Executive Director)
Mr. Liang Zhongkang (independent non-executive director)Mr. Xiao Shuming (independent non-executive director)
Professor Ye Xingqian (independent non-executive director)
The board of directors has established an audit committee, a Remuneration Committee, a nomination committee and a strategic development committee
The composition is as follows:
Members of the CommitteeAudit Committee
Mr. Xiao Shuming (Chairman)
Mr. Liang Zhongkang (member)Professor Lv Yuanping (member)
Professor yexinggan (member)
Mr. Liang Zhongkang (Chairman)
Mr. Yang Ziyuan (member)
Professor Lv Yuanping (member)Mr. Xiao Shuming (member)
Professor yexinggan (member)
Mr. Yang Ziyuan (Chairman)
Mr. Liang Zhongkang (member)
Professor Lv Yuanping (member)Mr. Xiao Shuming (member)
Professor yexinggan (member)
Strategic Development Committee
Mr. Yang Ziyuan (Chairman)Mr. Sun Xingyu (member)
Ms. Chu Yinghong (member)Mr. Huang Yanbin (member)
Mr. Liang Zhongkang (member)Mr. Ho Ho Tung (member)
Hong Kong, 12 May 2002